Registration Info


BrUMO 2025 will be taking place on April 4–5, 2025. This year, we will be inviting 250 students (~40-50 teams) onto Brown University campus to compete. There is no registration fee for this tournament, but each team is responsible for travel, housing, and related expenses.

To participate, teams must meet the following requirements:

  1. Students must be in grade 12 or below at the time of participation (April 2025).

  2. Students on eligible teams must come from the same school or organization, but there are no geographical restrictions.

  3. Teams must consist of 4-6 students, and must be registered as a team—no individual registrations will be accepted.

  4. A coach (any responsible adult) must fill out the registration/application form and while coaches can fill out this form for multiple of their teams, each team needs their own chaperone during the tournament.

For further questions, see the FAQs or contact us at!

Since we have a limited number of spots, we will undergo an application process to select teams. To apply, please fill out the form below by March 12th, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST (deadline extended from March 5th).

Registration Timeline

  • February 6, 2025, 5:00 PM EST: Registration opens

  • March 12, 2025, 11:59 PM EST: Registration closes

  • March 13, 2025: Accepted teams notified

  • April 4–5, 2025: BrUMO takes place at Brown University!

Tournament Details

Event Schedule

BrUMO 2025 is a two-day event with optional Friday night events, followed by a full-day tournament on Saturday. The Friday mini-events will be hosted by sponsors, Brown University student clubs, and the BrUMO team. All testing will take place on Saturday, with the tournament expected to run from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Below is our schedule, subject to minor adjustments:

Contest Format

The tournament will consist of three rounds: individual, team, and guts, spanning the following topics: algebra, geometry, combinatorics, and number theory. More information on scoring and rules will be released soon. Please see our FAQs in the meantime in case your question has been answered there!

Individual Round (80 min)

The Individual Round consists of 15 questions and is a general test of all topics.

Team Round (80 min)

The Team Round also consists of 15 questions and is another general test; however, students may work with their teams on this round.

Guts Round (80 min)

The Guts Round consists of 36 questions distributed across 12 sets of 3.